A few days ago I was in Penzance (Southwestern of England) in a summer camp with girls from 12 to 16 years old, and this first fortnight of August I've been helping in the summer activities with the youngest of the charity.
Our plan was always similar: we left the building at 11:00 and we went back at 16:00 (some days we finish later because of the distances). We have gone to 3 museums (The Science Museum, the Hornimans Museum and in Greenwich Park to the Cutty Shark), we have done a picnic plan in a Garden of Brixton after cook our own meal all together, one day we did many fanny things in the Community day with other organisations of our borought, we have gone to a swimming pool and most of the girls came also to the sport day. Though I didn't go; many of then went to Brighton in a family trip.
I used to do things like those in Spain with young people, but here I've been more aware of the organization of everything, specially about the management of the activities, outreached, leading...
I've really enjoyed this plans, and now I'm more aware about how to care the youngest people in this sort of trips.
Tengo la suerte de participar en el Servicio Europeo de Voluntariado con un proyecto de integración social de inmigrantes y refugiados en Londres. En este blog quiero compartir mis experiencias y pensamientos, esperando que más gente se vea beneficiada por las cosas que estoy viviendo... ¡Sugerencias y comentarios son muy bien recibidos!