viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

A refugee like me: training for improve our support / Un refugiado como yo: Entrenamiento para mejorar la ayuda

Last Monday and Tuesday, I was involved in a training about the teenagers refugees' life.

Wonder Foundation organised these talks for young people and we could learn a lot about social polices, resources to teach English, experiences of our youth refugees panel... even we received information about iGro, an app for check our develop in different skills what can help us to be the best support in our volunteering.

It has been very interesting because I have could knew three young refugees and they told us their strong stories.

In the workshop there were people who lived in UK, but in Slovenia and Sweden too; and it was very interested, because they told us different actions that they are doing in their countries for support refugees.

Last day, we made a brainstorming about different activities that we can promote in our communities to support young refugees in their first days in our country (into school, into University, and into our communities).

It was very interesting workshop and now I have more information for think about this topic and seek solutions to help refugees people who arrive to UK.

In Wonder Foundation WebSite, everyone could get more information.

El lunes y martes pasado estuve involucrada en un entrenamiento sobre la vida de los jóvenes refugiados.
Wonder Foundation organizó estas charlas para gente joven y pudimos aprender mucho sobre políticas sociales, recursos para enseñar inglés, experiencias de un grupo de jóvenes refugiados... también recibimos información a cerca de iGro, una aplicación móvil para comprobar nuestro desarrollo en diferentes habilidades que pueden facilitarnos ayudar mejor en nuestro voluntariado.
Ha sido muy interesante porque he podido conocer a tres jóvenes refugiados que nos contaron sus historias, que son muy duras.
En los talleres había gente que vivía en Reino Unido, pero también dos grupos de chicas de Eslovenia y Suecia; y esto fue muy interesante porque nos contaron diferentes campañas que están haciendo en sus países para ayudar a los refugiados.
El último día, hicimos una tormenta de ideas sobre las diferentes actividades que podíamos promover en nuestro entorno para ayudar a los jóvenes refugiados en sus primeros días en nuestro país (en el colegio, en la universidad y en nuestras comunidades sociales).
Fue un taller muy interesante y ahora tengo más información para pensar sobre este tema y buscar soluciones para ayudar a las personas refugiadas que llegan a UK.
En la WEB de Wonder Foundation todo el mundo puede encontrar más información (en inglés).

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Multiculturalism in London

This morning, when I went to my volunteering y by Tube (London's underground), I have could realise the multiculturalism in London.

In front of me, I had 6 persons very different among them: a young British woman, an old black lady, an old Indian man, a young Spanish boy and a young Jamaican boy.. and me, a Spanish girl who try to learn English and help other in their integration in London.

We can think that this is a curious coincidence, but if we think that our major is Pakistan and Muslim, our queen British and absolutely white, and in ours streets many people understand them in different languages whit not much problems... I think that it is possible a pacific cope with people who has different cultures, religions and aspirations, can't we?

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Cookery: Learning to make the people happy with the meal

Here I am again, I've just finished the cookery class and I'm enjoying my sweet lemon muffin...

In my volunteering I always learn new things, and now, I help in the cookery class because there are many children and the teachers needs help (on Thursday afternoon).

I'm very happy, because in the class I can practice my English with more people (understand small girls is a really challenge) and above all, I can help better each girl because "In the games and in the table people is known". And moreover, I learn to cook the typical British desserts!

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

Gardening: the wild life in the middle of the big city

This weekend I've discover the pleasure of the gardening...

I would like to share with everyone my new face... plenty of fews!!! I think I have in my face all the mud of the garden, and is because today I have learnt to use  high-pressure cleaner for the stones in the garden... the color has changed from black to white, ochre, grey and a rosy pink colour.

Gardening is a very British activity, and moreover is interesting because I can improve my sense of promote nature conservation.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2016

25 aniversario in Baytree Center

Last saturday Baytree Center (a charity wich Wonder Foundation is partner) celebrated 25 years of supporting women and girls in Brixton and has organised a party for everyone join them!
All proceeds from the events have gone back into the wonderful work Baytree does in the local community.
Baytree also organised a frundaising exhibition in "Brixton East" to show a collection of artworks and performances by a range of south London artist surrounding themes of ifentity and locality.

I'm very happy because I've been able to meet new volunteers in the party: